Buy Now Pay Later Loans are finally to be regulated.
But the underlying issues are the fact that use of credit has now become normalised by society and the financial services industry, when for some households this just creates problems, which ultimately put them in a worse financial position, and of course high inflation costs and low wages growth are a catalyst for financial distress. This is not nanny state intervention, but rather a further small but critical steps to help people make better financial decisions.
However, a bigger emphasis on financial education in schools and a more cautionary approach to debt would ultimately improve the lot of so many Australians. But at least this particular duck is now being recognised for what it is.
See the full show at: Duck Shooting Season For BNPL?
But the underlying issues are the fact that use of credit has now become normalised by society and the financial services industry, when for some households this just creates problems, which ultimately put them in a worse financial position, and of course high inflation costs and low wages growth are a catalyst for financial distress. This is not nanny state intervention, but rather a further small but critical steps to help people make better financial decisions.
However, a bigger emphasis on financial education in schools and a more cautionary approach to debt would ultimately improve the lot of so many Australians. But at least this particular duck is now being recognised for what it is.
See the full show at: Duck Shooting Season For BNPL?
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