How to Price Your Product on Amazon, Use Amazon FBA Coupons & Discounts to Increase Sales for Launch

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How to increase sales on amazon? Is one of the most common questions I get from Sellers. When launching a new product on Amazon, a lot of new Sellers don't know how to find and set that perfect selling price, or how to use coupons & discounts to increase sales. They either go too high or too low on their price. What you set for your launch price will have a HUGE affect on the success of your product, how well your PPC campaigns do (more/ less clicks), and of course on your sales.

In this video, I'll show you how to set up Amazon FBA coupons, and discounts in Seller central, and how to find and set the perfect launch price! To make sure you get the most sales possible during your product launch. And explain how using coupons can increase clicks, page views, and conversions/ sales.

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