In this video, I break down how to make $1 million dollars using Amazon FBA in 2 years. You’ll learn how to sell products on Amazon and reach your revenue milestones in an achievable way.
#Amazon FBA #HowToMakeAMillionDollars #TomWang
Who is Tom Wang?
Hi I’m Tom Wang. Just a few years ago, I was a pretty normal guy who worked at a sales job. But I felt stuck. I’m from a Chinese immigrant family, so taking care of my parents financially was always a big important motivator for me.
The problem is I knew I wouldn’t make enough at any job to do this.
So I looked to start an online business.
After 10 months of starting on Amazon, I was ready to throw in the towel.
I sat my girlfriend down to let her know I was going to quit - like I did with so many of my other side hustles. But she didn’t let me. She reminded me - just one successful product on Amazon would change our lives - and she was right.
We launched our 3rd product that’s the one that finally took off.
Since then I’ve made over $6M+ in sales, I’ve traveled the world and I live my dream life.
The purpose of this channel is to document my journey, and to help the people who were like me back in the day. I talk about Amazon strategies. Tips on being an entrepreneur. Life hacks I find out about. And more.
Wherever you are on your journey, I hope to help you move closer to your dreams and to help those you care about too.
In this video, I break down how to make $1 million dollars using Amazon FBA in 2 years. You’ll learn how to sell products on Amazon and reach your revenue milestones in an achievable way.
#Amazon FBA #HowToMakeAMillionDollars #TomWang
Who is Tom Wang?
Hi I’m Tom Wang. Just a few years ago, I was a pretty normal guy who worked at a sales job. But I felt stuck. I’m from a Chinese immigrant family, so taking care of my parents financially was always a big important motivator for me.
The problem is I knew I wouldn’t make enough at any job to do this.
So I looked to start an online business.
After 10 months of starting on Amazon, I was ready to throw in the towel.
I sat my girlfriend down to let her know I was going to quit - like I did with so many of my other side hustles. But she didn’t let me. She reminded me - just one successful product on Amazon would change our lives - and she was right.
We launched our 3rd product that’s the one that finally took off.
Since then I’ve made over $6M+ in sales, I’ve traveled the world and I live my dream life.
The purpose of this channel is to document my journey, and to help the people who were like me back in the day. I talk about Amazon strategies. Tips on being an entrepreneur. Life hacks I find out about. And more.
Wherever you are on your journey, I hope to help you move closer to your dreams and to help those you care about too.
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