Affiliate Marketing से हर महीने 2 लाख कैसे कमाते @OkAnkit |Affiliate Marketing Journey | KWS 06

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In this Podcast Ankit And I have talked About affiliate marketing. How His Journey Goes from a 9 to 5 Employee to an affiliate marketer who now earns 200 to 300 Dollars per day.

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic (& underutilized) method for generating passive income. You don't have to worry about creating your own products, customer service is mostly out of your hands, and you can get started as soon as today if you wanted to.

But...most people who get involved with affiliate marketing don't see much from it because they don't invest the hard work and time to do it right. Affiliate marketing sounds great on the surface, but really it's not going to be an easy (or overnight) success.

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